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2018q3 burnett


Cost $15.00
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateSeptember 26, 2018
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Series: Taxes, Tax Reform
Course Description

Give us an hour. We’ll get you caught up on recent important legislation, court cases, regulations and rulings affecting individuals, C & S Corps, partnerships, businesses, estates/trusts and retirement plans.

This course gives a brief overview of the biggest changes resulting from tax legislation, including:

  • Troubleshooting big surprises in 2018 under-withholding  and underpaid estimated tax

  • Late breaking taxpayer strategies in reaction to TCJA itemized deduction changes

  • Burning questions (and answers): Late breaking Treasury IRS interpretations of TCJA

  • Massive changes in how IRS audits partnerships / Why partners may be crying the blues

  • Which business meals took the hit and which likely remain deductible

  • New quirks in taxation of capital gains and investments

  • Cybersecurity threats update

It also covers:

  • How to prove basis when you don't have records? You might be surprised

  • How the passive loss material participation pendulum has pretty much swung the taxpayer's way

  • Foreign asset reporting has taken a hard, hard left turn

  • IRS's new postcard Form 1040 - Let's take a walk through the park

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rich brady (bradys tax service)

"Bradley Burnett's presentation of the 2018 tax update was fantastic. He presented very complex concepts in an easy to understand fashion. He alerted us to both the changes in the regulations, but also in the way the regulations will be enforced. I have shared much of the information from this webinar with my office and are planning to implement changes and notify our clients based on the information I received."
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Lloyd Doletski (Self Employed)

"The speaker spoke in a fluent manner. The information was presented at a reasonable pace. I had no questions on the information presented. The displays were easy to read, very informative and answered any questions, which came to mind . The speaker was skilled in utilizing the displays in presenting the information of the webinar."
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Richard Harrison (Harrison CPA & Consulting, P.C.)

"Could have spent another hour on this subject. This was, however, a good starting point to bring awareness to the increasing insanity of this country's income tax system.and the incompetent manner in which it's written and enforced."
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Douglas Washburn (Dougs Tax Service)

"This year as a preparer is very scary. YOU helped relieved me a lot but you also made me aware of many things that are or can be happening. Keep up the excellent work!! When is Q4 session? This year is very scary for"
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Elaine Luther (Dr.)

"Bradley presented important information with humor. I liked the tips about changing information; especially those that will impact tax preparers. He also provided valuable tax planning tips."
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"Mr. Burnett's presentation was very effective and informative. His presentation style, tone, and selection of topics are engaging and holds the listener's attention. Excellent job."

Frank Ammirato (faa tax and financial consultant)

"Thank you for these webinar's as it helps me interact with my clients and other professional's so that I can practice in the most advantageous way for my clients and country."
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"Mr. Burnett, was an excellent speaker and the webinar was very informative. It focused on key issues. Thank you so much. Please have Mr. Burnett back for more."
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Bradley Burnett is a practicing Colorado attorney with 40 years of experience working specifically on tax issues. His practice specializes in tax planning and tax controversy resolution. Mr. Burnett has authored and delivered more than 3,800 presentations on U.S. tax law in the U.S. and international jurisdictions.


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